updated 2024 event information


registration is now full


If you need to cancel your registration, please email info@loppet.ca. We offer a $60 refund. Refunds available until 8pm on January 18, 2024.

Race Day

9am start, Saturday, January 20th, 2024 on Lake Louise

Start list

The start line is on the frozen Lake Louise in front of the Chateau Lake Louise. This is a classic technique only race. Mass start. The finish line is 46km east down the valley at Castle Junction. Please review important course information here (updated Nov. 2023).

Is there a race meeting?

Yes. Race meeting is at 8h30 in the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise in on the lower level of the Mount Temple wing in the Beehive Lakeshore Room (not the Saddleback room). We will review any recent wildlife sightings to be aware of and course info. Give yourself plenty of time to pickup your bib and timing chips.

Where is Race Package Pickup?

In the Chateau Lake Louise “Trails Room”. 7:00-8:50am. Race package includes: race bib for you and your team (if applicable), GoChip (one per person or one per team), souvenir custom collapsible cups from Hydaway out of Bend, Oregon. We think these would do GREAT if you carried it with you for each checkpoint. Save the planet ;) Race package also includes drink tickets for the banquet.

Where is bib pickup?

At the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise in the “Trails Room”. Follow the signs in the Chateau. Bib pickup is with race package pickup: 7h30-8h50. You are responsible for picking up bibs for ALL relay members and a timing chip (one per team) by 8h50. Give yourself ample time for rack package pickup and make sure one of your teammates is at the 0830h race meeting. The bibs MUST be returned after the race to a checkpoint or finish volunteer.

What about timing?

Timing is done with a ‘Go Chip’ from Zone4 timing. You will pickup a chip that corresponds to your team/solo bib number at bib pickup (pickup 7:30-8:50am in the Saddleback room at the Chateau Lake Louise). This is a velcro chip that attaches to your wrist or ankle (doesn’t matter) and takes your time as you ski over a buried cable at the various checkpoints. This timing chip is your/team’s timer! One timing chip per person. One timing chip per team. Relay members will need to pass their chip to their teammates at the relevant exchange station (think of the timing chip as a relay baton). Please return the chip when you finish. If you end the race early, hand in your chip to the closest volunteer station.

What about the feed stations?

You can expect food and drink every 10km. There will be warm Gatorade at each station. Cups are provided, however, to limit waste we recommend carrying your own drink belt, water bottle or the collapsible cup included in your registration!! The earth thanks you!

What do I do with my warm layers at the start?

Either leave it with a teammate or label it and place it in the labelled bin of your finish line at the race package pickup/race meeting in Chateau Lake Louise Saddleback room (7:30am-8:50am). We have clothing transport to each exchange station and the finish line.

Are there time cutoffs?

Yes. There is one time cutoff at Lake Louise level rail crossing (end of Leg 1, approximately 20km from the start). If you do not cross through this exchange by 11h30 (2.5hrs after the start) you will be asked to hand in your bib. This helps us keep racers both racers and volunteers within a manageable distance for safety.

What do I do If i see an animal?

Slow down and give them space! 300m for large predators and 100m for grazers when possible. Proceed when safe to do so. Report to the nearest volunteer check-point. They have radios and we have event protocols designed with Parks Canada to manage properly depending on the situation. We recommend skiers carry bear spray with them. You are travelling in a wildlife corridor. Predators (bears, cougars, wolverines, wolves) and grazers (mule deer, elk, moose) frequent the area. Please travel with a cellphone and the Banff Dispatch number entered: 403-762-1470.

Report concerning wildlife sightings to Banff dispatch: 403-762-1470. In case of emergency, call 9-1-1

Is there cell service on course?

It is patchy. Cell service is most reliable near Lake Louise and Castle Junction. It is patchy the rest of the way.

What if I get lost or hurt or want to end the race early?

Review course info as best you can. If you need emergency help, try to find the closest volunteer aid station (every 10-15km) or head to the Bow Valley Parkway (the course parallels this road and is frequented by public traffic). We recommend you travel with a cell phone to try to call for help yourself, however, the cell reception is patchy! Each aid station has a radio and can call for help as necessary. If you want to end the race early, let a volunteer know and hand in your timing chip at the closest aid station!

ARe there other skiers on course?

Yes. The course is open to the public. Please be respectful. Stay to the right when possible. Faster skiers should pass on the left.

What about road crossings?

Vehicles have right of way! There are volunteers to help you cross, but use your judgment. Take your skis off or ski over if there’s a volunteer shovelling snow onto the road way.

What can I expect?

This is not a world cup course nor Canmore Nordic Centre race. Expect to be blown away great views, grassroots skiing and maybe some willows poking through the trail. There are numerous sections where folks need to take skis off to walk over road crossings. We are 100% volunteer-run and appreciate the patience!

Where do I go?

If you are Leg 1 or a soloist, you being on the frozen Lake Louise at 9am and proceed to valley bottom. The course is marked with orange flags as best as possible. We still recommend you review the course map here. We also recommend chatting through with your teammates to know who starts where.

What about the costume category?

Important! There are now solo AND team costume categories. Submit your solo/team costume name and photo to info@loppet.ca by 4pm on event day to be registered! Winners will be announced at the Banquet.


What is the forecast?

Variable! Overnight lows are typically around -15 in Lake Louise. Daytime highs are anywhere from -1 in Lake Louise to +3 at Castle Junction. We recommend checking the weather on different sites for the best gauge. Here’s a good starting forecast.

What wax should I use?

Classic skis are waxed with both glide and grip wax. Glide wax is ironed on and you should aim for a 0 to -15 range). Kick wax should be applied closer to the event. We recommend checking the weather the day. Expect to have the conditions warm from a cooler start in Lake Louise to the finish line at Castle Junction (anywhere from 2-6 degrees Celcius difference). We are happy to share that Norseman Outdoor Specialists will have wax tent setup at the Boat House (7:45-9am) on Lake Louise on Saturday morning! ProTip: applying and ironing in a base layer of cold grip wax and corking in the night before helps the top layers bind for the day-of wax decision. Additionally, applying grip wax outdoors and allowing it to cool in the snow beforehand will help limit the amount of moisture buildup that leads to clumping in warmer conditions. Check out Trail Sports in Canmore or Wilson Mountain Sports in Lake Louise for more waxing info.


Where do I park In Banff?

If you take the shuttle, we recommend parking on Bow Avenue. Shuttle leaves from Wolf Street/Bow Avenue (near canoe docks, not Central Park) parking lot at 07h00. Free 24hr parking with a valid park pass on Bow Avenue.

Where do I park in Lake Louise?

If you are leaving your vehicle at the Chateau Lake Louise, park your vehicle (with valid Park pass) at the public Chateau Lake Louise parking lot and walk to the Chateau.

Where Do I park at the Trailhead?

For the Lake Louise railway crossing (Leg 1 finish, Leg 2 start), please park along the Lake Louise campground access road and NOT along the railway access road. Walk to the start. For Baker Creek (Leg 2 finish, Leg 3 start), you may park at either Baker Creek Chalets or at the trailhead. For Castle Lookout (Leg 3 finish, Leg 4 start), park at the trailhead parking lot; this area gets tight so please park as efficiently as possible. For. Castle Junction (finish), you can park in the public parking (close to the Hostel) on the east side of the junction. Additional parking is in the Castle Junction parking. Do not park on the Bow Valley Parkway.


What are the shuttle details?

If you haven’t already registered, the shuttle is full. Shuttle departs at 7am from Banff on Wolf Street and Bow Ave (view pickup location here) and drives directly to Chateau Lake Louise. There will be a volunteer and a driver to help you load your skis into the shuttle. After the start, the shuttle continues east along the Bow Valley Parkway and picks up finishers as they need. The shuttle will to Banff (Wolf Street) and the Banff Centre. You can expect to be back in Banff by 4pm at the latest.

what about my clothing?

You can place your clothing in a labeled bag (name, phone number) at race package pickup. A lovely Loppet volunteer will deliver it to the respective checkpoint. Any unclaimed items will go to the Banff Centre banquet.


Where are the closest washrooms?

Lake Louise: Public parking lot washrooms or Chateau Lake Louise

Lake Louise Campground: no public washrooms open at this time

Baker Creek: Parks Canada maintains the outhouses at Baker Creek trailhead.

Castle Lookout: No public washrooms

Castle Junction: Parks Canada maintains outhouses at the Rockbound Lake trailhead.


Sounds fun! Where, what time?

Banff Centre Kinnear Centre in the Cennovus Room (bottom level). 5pm on Saturday, January 20th, 2024

Can I shower at the Sally Borden?

Yes, you can shower at the Sally Borden building for $16.80. You must show your proof of Zone4 registration to access Sally Borden.

Will there be food there?

Yes. Light snacks (e.g. bread rolls, cheese, cold cuts and fruit)

What about Drinks?

Yes! One delicious and refreshing Wild Life Distillery canned cocktail is included in your entry or volunteering role.


Of course. We have a large list of GREAT SPONSORS! Think: overnight accommodation at the Chateau Lake Louise and outdoor gear to keep you kitted! You must be present to win.


Collapsible cups

Pickup your awesome Hydaway Collapsible Pint at race package pickup (7h00-8h50 in the Saddleback room, Chateau Lake Louise). We recommend carrying this cup with you to refill at checkpoints.


Questions can be sent to Heidi Widmer at info@loppet.ca